Admissions and Tuition Information
Admissions... The school is operated on a non-discriminatory basis providing equal treatment and access to services without regard to race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry.
Each new student admitted to Montessori School Eureka will be enrolled on a two week evaluation basis to determine if the school can meet the needs of the child. The school reserves the right to discharge, at any time, any child whose presence in the school is detrimental to the program or who is not benefiting from this service.
Academic School Year
Tuition (Also, please see our Policy and Tuition Agreement)
Tuition... payments are payable on or before the dates indicated on the payment schedule. All monthly installment payments are equal in amount and are due the first school day of each month. THE NUMBER OF SCHOOL DAYS DURING THE MONTH HAS NO BEARING ON THE AMOUNT OF THE PAYMENT FOR THAT MONTH. Tuition payments are made for a place (enrollment) in the school and not for a period of attendance, therefore tuition is not refundable for absence of children for illness, transportation problems, planned vacations, etc.
Late Payments (Subject to Change)
Late Payment Fee... A $30.00 late payment fee will be charged for any payment made five days after the scheduled payment due date. Checks returned by the bank for any reason are considered late.
Overtime (Subject to Change)
Overtime Fee... A $2.00 charge will be imposed for each 1 minute for each child brought to school before their scheduled time or picked up after their scheduled time.
Summer Camp
Tuition (Also, please see our Policy and Tuition Agreement)
Payments are due every Monday! Each payment includes recreational swimming (48” and taller), supplies, lunch on Mondays, and all field trips. Not included are swimming lessons and the Montessori School Eureka T-shirt.
Late pick up fees are $2.00 per minute!